”an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”   Benjamin Franklin


   RVA Athletes is determined to keep athletes in the play and off the bench due to injury. Individuals are more sedentary and less active today; however, the demand for sports performance is higher than in years past. This combination results in increased risk for injury. If you are not assessing, then you are guessing. RVA Athletes screens all athletes for functional limitations and movement asymmetries which may lead to injury. The results of the screen will set the foundation of a program to increase natural movement patterns, unlocking performance while reducing the risk of injury.


What is a 360 Athlete?

At RVA Athletes we understand that for an athlete to perform at the elite levels, they must be able to have proper movement mechanics and performance based patterns. An optimally successful athlete must be trained in the following areas:

Mobility - Stability

Strength ‐ Speed

Deceleration ‐ Acceleration

Power ‐ Balance

Agility ‐ Coordination

Quickness ‐ Flexibility

Reaction time ‐ Confidence
